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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Text Citations

Ideas, words, findings, figures and others which are taken directly or indirectly from the others must be duly acknowledged by the writer.  To acknowledge others’ works in the text, students must follow certain conventions.  The following examples illustrate some of the conventions when making citations in the text.

i.    Writing the author’s name (s).

Western or English name, use only the surname (or the family name) in the text. For example: John Smith, use Smith.
Malay and Chinese names: Use the whole name or the first name for the Malay, and family name for the Chinese.
Example:  Mohd. Ali Bin Kassim, use Mohd. Ali.
                 Lee Ah Hua, use Lee.

ii.    Citation Style: Author(s)-Year.

For Single Author

When the author is a part of the formal structure of the sentence, the citation is as follows:

Franklin (1998) pointed out that, universities as providers of management education have both privileged opportunities and critical responsibilities to …..

According to Denison (1990), culture refers to underlying values, beliefs, and principles that serve as …….
When the author of the source is not part of the formal structure of the sentence, the citation is as follows:

As the average inter-item correlation is low, Cronbach,s alpha will be low.  As the average inter-item correlation increases, Cronbach’s alpha increases as well (Santos, 1999).

(Note the way the author and year are written for each condition or situation.)

For Multiple Authors 

Similar style is used for multiple authors, but with the use of “and” and “&” as follows:

•    Mallak and Kurstedt (1996) introduce their model of participative management….

•    It reflects the enforcement of rules, conformity, and attention to technical matters (Denison & Spreitzer, 1991).

•    The Legitimacy Model (Miles & Cameron, 1982; Zammuto, 1982) considers organizational effectiveness in terms of contextual measure….

[Note (1) semi colon separates the two sources of information, and  (2) the sources are arranged in alphabetical order]

When many authors are found in one source, use “et al.” for second time citation. For example:

•    Mohd. Ali, Lee, Smith and Bradner (1990) found that …..   (First time citation)
Mohd. Ali et al. (1983) found that …. (second citation and onwards).
The knowledge obtained through this process must be retained (Mohd. Ali et al., 1983).

Same Authors over several works and Several Years

Several studies by the same author in one year are referred to by the writer, then the citation is as follows:
•    Mohd. Ali (1990a, 1990b, 1990c)

Several studies by the same author over several years are referred to by the writer, then citation is as follows:
•    Mohd. Ali (1990, 1991, 1993).

When the citation is not taken directly from the source

Ridley and Mendoza developed a model based on interrelated organizational processes which was used primarily as a tool for management consultants (as cited by Rojas, 2000).
[Cite only the study that you have read in the Reference List—in this case it is Rojas (2000)].

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