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Monday, June 24, 2013

How to Write Vision and Mission Statements

 How to Write Vision and Mission Statements

Definition of a Vision
A Vision is defined as 'An Image of the future we seek to create'. It is a dream.

Definition of a Mission
A Mission is defined as 'Purpose, reason for being'. Defined simply "Who we are and what we do". It is the vehicle which leads to the vision.

What is the difference between Vision Statements and Mission Statements?

  •     The definition for Vision Statements is a sentence or short paragraph providing a broad, aspirational image of the future. Vision Statements therefore contain details of the university's future - its vision ( the future plans with aims and objectives )These types of Statements focus on tomorrow.
  •     A good definition for a Mission Statement is a sentence or short paragraph which is written by the organization which reflects its core purpose, identity, values and principle business aims.
  •     Mission Statements therefore contain important information about a company in a nutshell. This should include the University mission ( what the PU does, its products, its services and its customers).

How long are Vision Statements?
A good statement is a sentence or short paragraph consisting of two to four sentences.source

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