Personal Blog : My OUM(Open University Malaysia) journey starting from Jan 2011 till graduate.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Semester September 2011

Registered new subjects :

CBCN4103 Introduction To Networking
OUMH2203 English For Workplace Communication
OUMM2103 Entrepreneurship

Wednesday, October 5, 2011




Nowadays, mobile learning is no longer a new thing. At the age of modern technology, people should equip themselves with a variety of science to improve the quality of life. The revolution in communications technology make a difference online learning patterns of distance learning (dLearning) to electronic learning (eLearning) and now to mobile learning (mLearning). Mobile learning gives us the opportunity to learn all the times. As a student, It gives us the flexibility to work and other routine life as usual. Mobile learning can involve a greater variety of equipment than conventional learning, for as the name implies, "mobile" involves using the Internet facilities.

Mobile learning can be defined as “The exploitation of ubiquitous handheld technologies, together with wireless and mobile phone networks, to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching and learning.”. (Molenet, 2007). Mobile learning can take place in any location at any time, including workplaces, home, public area, our community locations and inside a public transport also.

As we know, mobile learning involve uploading, downloading, viewing, and sharing information between students and tutor. To ensure that all runs smoothly, we must use a modern technology such as mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, Ultramobile PCs (UMPCs), mini notebooks or netbooks. defined mobile learning as '...where the learner has the ability to learn anytime,
anywhere, using a hand-held device'. This statement reinforces that the use of modern technology is essential in mobile learning. So if if an educational institution want to implement mobile learning, they must provide conditions for their students to have a modern tool that can reach the Internet.

In Malaysia, the online student of diverse backgrounds. Some are able to have a smartphone or laptop, while others cannot afford to buy even smatphone for them to learn online. Open University Malaysia is one of the pioneer implementing mobile learning.

The pilot project was implemented during the May 2009 semester, involving 74 tutors and 1863 first-semester students who were enrolled in a course titled, Learning Skills for Open and Distance Learners. Students do not have to sit in front of a personal computer for reading or
download notes. It has been simplified by using only the internet
provided by a mobile phone service subscribed.

Through a research paper conducted by Singh and Olive (2006) some problems have been identified for example, mobile devices battery that need to be charged, limited storage to store data and use of broadband Internet is not widespread.

I have read a few journals that have been made to study students' willingness to accept mobile learning. The following are among the five journals which have been extracted and made conclusion.
Past Studies
Journal 1
“Mobile learning is a form of learning using mobile technology or in a place where the infrastructure allows the use of non-wire technology, and focuses on the delivery of learning content through mobile electronic devices.” (Saedah Siraj, 2002, 2004). A mobile-learning study was conducted by Saedah Siraj. She carried out the study about Mobile learning in future curriculum. The study was done in the University Malaya in 2004. Study began in December 2001 until January 2002 at seven places, including shopping centers, recreation centers and workplaces.
The study reported that 57% of mobile phones felt their lives had changed; 50% use the phone to play games and managed to improve their reading or spelling; like using mobile phones to learn mathematics; 89% say their mobile phones do not worry about health and their safety. She find that Mobile learning is an alternative education from the various existing educational patterns in the country. Significant relevance for students at universities and colleges, especially for courses that require more research beyond the campus.
Journal 2
“Mobile learning is moving away from its infancy stage. Researchers are moving quickly to explore many aspects of mobile learning However the mass benefits have yet to be seen” (Tiong Goh, 2006). Tiong Goh has done a study on Mobile Learning Architecture in 2006 at Victoria University, New Zealand. The study looks into the architecture issues in developing mobile learning systems. Stone (2003) pointed out the risk of pedagogy being lost from the original learning objects when designing scalable and mobile learning for multiple technologies. Lonsdale, Baber, Sharples, and Arvanitis (2003) described context-awareness architecture for mobile learning. Conclusions of this research found that there is a need to provide a synchronization mode for mobile access, because mobile access is not as reliable as fixed line access.
Journal 3
Are You Ready for Mobile Learning? Frequent use of mobile devices does not mean that students or instructors are ready for mobile learning and teaching. Joseph Rene Corbeil and Maria Elena Valdes has conducted a study on the availability of mobile learning at the University of Texas at Brownsville in 2006.
The population of 191 graduate and undergraduate students, 107 students (56 percent) volunteered to participate in the survey. In addition, 30 faculty (45 percent) from the School of Education also participated. They found that the implications of mobile learning are far-reaching, and its potential effect on education profound. Mobile learning capabilities will continue to expand with the introduction of smaller, more sophisticated and powerful gadgets capable of delivering data in a variety of formats anywhere, at any time.
Journal 4
Learning Federation from Autralia have carried out a study on mobile phone is learning. Study conducted in 2009 involving 196 students aged between 7 to 11 years. Through the mobile phones, students listened to pre-recorded questions in Indonesian delivered over a computer. Student answers were recorded and uploaded to a website for marking and commentary, through a system provided by Learnosity ( On the site, students could listen to and re-record their answers before submission for marking, and could later review their mark and listen to model answers.
Result from the study, overall there was an 11% increase in students mean score between pre- and post-testing, which suggests that this project had a positive impact on the language skills of the participating students. This finding is broadly supported by feedback from students and teachers.
Journal 5
An article on Mobile Assisted Language Learning, written by Valarmathi. K. E. in April, 2011 stating that the requirements of Mobile phones are already becoming much more than devices for wirelessly transmitting the human voice. Mobile phones already support a variety of data and multimedia features, most notably
• Short messages and photography.
• Video photography and audio for playback of ringtones and music.
• Individual and interactive games and access to information (such as driving directions, travel information, and email).
Studies conducted in Annammal College of Education for Women, Thoothukudi, India in 2011. Results indicate that the mobile learning techniques involves the principle of ‘anytime anywhere’, which makes it available to the user as and when required. Mobile phone is one device that effectively utilizes time and the user is not bound by time constraints.
In the research I did, the respondents are from among those who live in Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. They need to fill out sample forms attached. Respondents are required to return the sample form within 7 days. All of them consist of undergraduate and post graduate student. Survey forms are distributed is divided into four section as described below.

Recent Study

Section A

Based on input from the survey form, there were 14 respondents aged between 31-35 years. This total monopoly of nearly half of the total circulation of 30 respondents. it covers 47% of the total respondents. Number of respondents who completed according to age is illustrated in the table below :

Age Responden Percentage
5 17%
25-30 8 27%
31-35 14 47%
36-40 1 3%
40 and above 2 6%

23 respondents were first-year students university. Followed by students in two of four people, three-year student of 2 and 4 years a respondent. All respondents is composed of 18 women and 12 men.
Findings from the above table shows the middle age group between 31 to 35 years are the most numerous studies. As we know, the middle class was not too difficult to accept changes in methods of learning if they switch from conventional methods for mobile learning.

Section B

All the feedback from respondents had mobile phones.. However, only 20 respondents who have a cell phone that can make access to the internet. The remaining 10 respondents have a cell phone with no Internet access. This shows very few number of respondents who have a phone that can reach the Internet. It covers only 67% of the amount of the respondents.

What we know, the main asset for implementing mobile learning is a phone that can make access to the Internet. Roughly, there are 33% of the respondents which is not prepared to follow the lesson in mobile learning. Indirectly, only 67% of respondents who actually prepared to follow the mobile learning and the rest would not be because they do not have cell phone access to the internet.

Section C

Findings from section B states, a total of 20 respondents who have access to mobile internet, only three respondents who regularly use the internet. 8 respondents never use the internet. While the rest rarely or occasionally use the internet.

Result of the servey also found that five respondents who always use wifi to surf the Internet using their mobile phones. 11 respondents did not connect the internet via wifi using their mobile phones. While the remaining five respondents with mobile internet facilities sometimes use the wifi. While 3 and 2 respectively the respondents use the internet via wifi sometimes and rarely.

A total of only two respondents who regularly download files via their mobile phones. This indicates a willingness to use mobile phones as learning materials is very low. it is impossible for students to use their mobile phones as learning tools.

Section D

A total of 23 respondents knew about mobile learning. It covers 76.66% of the total respondents. This shows knowledge of mobile learning is very widespread and well known.

13:33% respondents did not know or do not know nothing about mobile learning. While the remaining 10% is not associated with them. Statistics on the percentage of respondents level of knowledge about mobile learning is shown in the chart below;

Chart : Knowledge about Mobile Learning

Majority of 19(63.33%) respondents agreed that they were only willing to receive mobile learning teaching methods within the next 2 years. 8(26.67%) of the respondents did not agree to receive mobile learning through learning. They may be able to accept these methods at present or is not ready to accept mobile learning through learning. This group can be considered not ready to accept mobile learning. They may also be prepared to accept the teaching methods at any time.
The remaining three(10%) respondents choose not aplicable to receive mobile learning through learning. They are only obeying the wishes of the university where they study. Complete information on the readiness to use mobile learning within the next 2 years is shown in the bar chart below.
Chart : Readiness for mobile learning


Based on survey results that have been made, roughly found students in Malaysia is still not ready to accept mobile learning. This is because based on the results, only 20 respondents who have a smart phone. While only 3 of 20 with a smart phone is always use for internet access. This amount is too small compared to 30 respondents who took part. However, studies conducted around the Klang Valley only. Studies can be done as a whole to other states to get more extensive statistics.

There is no doubt a lot of problems will arise if you want to implement the Mobile Learning environment in institutions of higher learning. However, if taken seriously, the problem can be overcome easily either in the short or long. The role of all parties, especially lecturers and students should be fully taken into account that the problem can be overcome completely.

Extensive research may be conducted to identify and improve existing opportunities to ensure a positive willingness to implement the Mobile Learning in Malaysia. Environmental education in Australia may differ from those in foreign countries. Way of life and greatly influenced the concept of learning readiness to implement mobile learning in Malaysia. Therefore, the study of life style and culture of learning should be implemented to ensure the readiness of students to receive mobile learning. Extensive research in this field will certainly be able to develop the education sector in Malaysia, especially in higher education institutions.

The benefits can be obtained by the use of Mobile Learning can be used as motivation in the success of this new teaching method. As we know its impact on the future of students already proven overseas and that is the key to success is to be taken into consideration to realize methods of teaching and learning of Mobile Learning
Typically, to begin the use of electronic learning, there are many problems to be encountered and overcome before they totally work. That is also the case in the implementation of mobile learning as the proverb says: "where there is a will there's no way."


Molenet, (2007). Mobile Learning Introduction. Retrieved on 15 June 2011 from

Education All.(2011). Retrieved on 15 June 2011 from

Singh and Olive, (2006). Mobile Learning Education. Retrieved on 20 June 2011 from

Thoothukudi, (2011). Mobile learning techniques. Retrieved on 20 June 2011 from

Saedah Siraj, (2004). Mobile learning in future curriculum. Retrieved on 20 June 2011 from

Kinshuk, (2006). Distance education Analysis Forecasts and trends. Retrieved on 20 June 2011 from

Joseph Rene and Maria Elena, (2007). Are You Ready for Mobile Learning?. Retrieved on 25 June 2011 from

The Le@rning Federation, (2009). Mobile phones and language learning. Retrieved on 27 June 2011 from,28568.html?issueID=11903.

Valarmathi, (2011). Mobile Assisted Language Learning. Retrieved on 2 July 2011 from

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

operating system

Operating system assignment.


Nowadays, there are some operating system that is always used like WMS, AIX, OS/400 and Windows 2000. Among the most commonly used are Windows operating system and Linux operating system. There are many definitions of operating system. Quoted from the website, “ operating system is the software that communicates with computer hardware on the most basic level. Without an operating system, no software programs can run. The OS is what allocates memory, processes tasks, accesses disks and peripherials, and serves as the user interface.” Other definitions taken from is “An operating system or OS, is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless”. In other words, without the operating system, a hardware or application can not start by itself. it is like the beginning of a hardware to move.

Important of Operating System.

As we know, the operating system is essential to every computer to run a software programes. So if there is no operating system installed into a hardware, the hardware would not work properly. This shows that the importance of operating system in a computer. Below are two examples of the importance of the operating system :

i) It handles input and output to and from attached hardware devices, such as hard disks, printers, and dial-up ports.
ii) It sends messages to each application or interactive user (or to a system operator) about the status of operation and any errors that may have occurred.

The above statement shows the importance of operating system in a computer. Without operating system, all hardware can not communicate with each other and no input will be accepted. Indirectly, nor the output will be obtained.

History of Linux Operating System.

Linux Operating System was started as a hobby in 1991 by Linus Torvalds while a student at the University of Helsinki (in Finland) because he was unhappy with the MS-DOS operating system that came with his new personal computer. He greatly preferred the much more powerful and stable UNIX that he had been using on the university's computers, but he was not able to afford the high licensing fees for any of the commercial versions then available. Today, Torvalds remains the spiritual leader of the Linux movement, and he still coordinates the development of the Linux kernel.

The use of Linux by individuals, corporations, government agencies and academic institutions around the world has been growing rapidly, and many computer experts think that it will eventually become the most widely used operating system for many or most types of applications. Well in excess of a hundred Linux distributions have been developed by a diverse range of companies, non-commercial organizations and individuals. Some of the most popular from Linux Operating System are Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake, Debian, Slackware, Linspire and Ubuntu.

Actually, Linux is a clone of UNIX, it was developed to mimic the form and function of UNIX but its source code was written completely independently. This means none of it was copied from UNIX source code. Source code is the version of an operating system as it is originally written by a human in a programming language, for example the C language using in Linux kernel. It is amazing, Linux is still widely used today. even the fast-growing Linux operating system on par with the famous Windows operating system.

History of Windows Operating System.

Windows operating system is widely used in our country. However, many do not know when it started. We can say that almost all school computer laboratory in the country equipped with the Windows operating system. History of Windows operating system starts on Nov 20, 1985. The first version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 1.0 was officially released on that date. Before that, the early version created In June 1980, Bill Gates and Paul Allen hire Gates’ former Harvard classmate Steve Ballmer to help run the company. The next month, IBM approaches Microsoft about a project code-named "Chess." In response, Microsoft focuses on a new operating system which is called MS-DOS. It was effective, but difficult to understand for many user. There has to be a better way to build an operating system.
After the first version of the Windows operating system used, version 2.0 was introduced on 9 Dec 1987. Significant difference compared to version 1.0 is that it is more user friendly. With improved graphics support, you can now overlap windows, control the screen layout, and use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your work. It has advanced graphics with 16 colors special design for Intel 386 processor.
The next generation is windows 95 operating system. Windows 95 has built-in Internet support, dial-up networking, and new Plug and Play capabilities that make it easy to install hardware and software. To run Windows 95 operating system, you need a PC with a 386DX or higher processor (486 recommended) and at least 4 MB of RAM.
The latest windows operating system after windows 95 operating system is Windows 98. It is described as an operating system that “Works Better, Plays Better.” One thing to know, Windows 98 operating system is the last version based on MS DOS. Windows 98 ended when Windows Me was introduced. Windows Me offers numerous music, video, and home networking enhancements and reliability improvements compared to previous versions.
The new era of windows operating system change in year 2000. Windows Profesional 2000 operating system was launch. Among the improvements, Windows 2000 Professional simplifies hardware installation by adding support for a wide variety of new Plug and Play hardware, including advanced networking and wireless products, USB devices, IEEE 1394 devices, and infrared devices. After that, Windows XP introduced. Windows XP is more stable, usable and fast compared to the last version of windows operating system. Windows Vista introduced in 2006 to replace the windows XP. It began in 2009. Windows 7 is evaluated by 8 million beta testers worldwide before it's released.

Comparison between Linux Operating System and Windows Operating System.
As we know, both Operating System are popular in use today. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Users who are considering making a change from Windows to Linux or Linux to Windows commonly want to know the advantages and disadvantages of each of the operating systems. The usual factors considered are reliability, security, support, applications and cost. Table below will described the advantages and disadvantages between Linux Operating System and Windows Operating System.
Factor Linux Windows

Linux considerably more stable and robust. It rarely crashes or needs rebooting and is highly resistant to viruses and other malicious attacks.

The majority of Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted.

Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it still cannot match the reliability of Linux. As a fundamental part of the operating system, reliability technologies and improvements appear throughout Windows 7. Starting with the low-level changes, Windows 7 utilizes a driver sandboxing model to help prevent poorly-written device drivers from affecting other drivers or the overall Windows OS.

Reliability Monitor has been enhanced in Windows 7 to be more reliable and in to monitor its own reliability.

The most obvious reliability feature in Windows 7 may just be the new Action Center, which replaces the Security Center from Windows XP and Vista.

Linux is and has always been a very secure operating system. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it much more secure.

Linux operating system has been designed from the ground-up to isolate users from applications, files and directories that affect the entire operating system. Each user is given a user directory where all of the user’s data files and configuration files are stored. When a user runs an application, such as a word processor, that word processor runs with the restricted privileges of the user. It can only write to the user’s own home
directory. It cannot write to a system file or even to another user’s directory unless the administrator explicitly gives the user permission to do so.

The Open Source nature of Linux and Linux applications encourages the discovery and reporting of security issues through peer review - even trivial issues not likely to be exploited by an attacker. If there are many reported security issues, the Open Source community is doing its job. Most security issues are discovered and fixed before anyone is attacked.

Although Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their operating system, their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.

Windows was originally designed to allow both users and applications free access to
the entire system, which means anyone could tamper with a critical system program or file. It also means viruses, Trojans and other malware could tamper with any critical system program or file, because Windows did not isolate users or applications from these sensitive areas of the operating system.

Closed source nature of Windows that results in reported security issues only after users suffer a successful attack. In the Windows world, secrecy (aka security through obscurity) is used to try to minimize attacks but this has the unfortunate effect of exposing a large population of users to attack when the secret can't be kept. Two decades of history with Windows shows that the secrets aren't kept often.

Although it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all linux variants, there are vast amounts of available online documentation and help, available books, and support available for Linux.

Most support is provided by advanced users and developers over IRC, online forums, and other free community based venues. Professional support is available, but most commonly only utilized by large-scale businesses, and server dependent organizations.

Linux certificates are rarely offered. Courses for certifications are provided by Linux Professional Institute and some distributions, such as Red Hat and Ubuntu.

User Documentation for source packages usually in a README file, also main pages, info pages, and other types of generally programmer-supplied documentation.
Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online
documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows.

Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), Microsoft TechNet: Resources for IT Professionals, and multitudes of user driven support forums are available at no charge. Additional support is available by 3rd party services such as OEMs.

In term of training, Many IT courses are written for participants to learn how to use and manage Windows systems and networks. Most computer assistance experts have Windows training and qualifications.

A proper documentation is either written in-house or by a consulting firm for most
proprietary software. Often documentation only covers a small, commonly used set of

Free software license. Everyone is permitted to download Linux from the Internet (or obtain it from other sources, including from friends) at no cost And everyone is also permitted to use it for any desired purpose, including studying, modifying, extending, installing on as many computers as desired, making copies as many copies as desired and redistributing.

Requires a lot of money to buy software applications. Each software application to be used need to buy. No modification can be made with a software aplications.

Linux has the advantage that it can operate on older hardware that is unsuitable for newer versions of Microsoft Windows. We can upgrade new Linux version without buying any new equipment. Indirectly can save cost.
Upgrading newer versions of Microsoft Windows generally requires cost for new hardware.

Suggestion and Conclusion.
No doubt, both the operating system has its own advantages and disadvantages. However users can not use two operating system at any one time. So, the user must choose which is better between the Windows Operating System with the Linux Operating System.
If money is the main issue, the choice is the best Linux operating system. Because it is free without any payment. But we should have enough knowledge to handle the application and the server if any. This is because Linux does not provide good support in terms of documentation and online support. Support available only in online discussion forums and Chat room.
It is different if the money is not the main issue. Windows operating system is just as good. This is because Windows has a very effective support in terms of documentation, online support, expertise and local support. For example, if we experience problems when using Microsoft Windows 7, we can continue to log report to the helpdesk microsoft. We can also ask the distributors Windows operating system. They would be able to solve problems in a short time because they have been trained and has a certificate in solving technical problems.
In terms of user account, windows give an advantage to user to the desktop in their own way. This is because user account with administrator has set aside during the first login. Compared with the linux users in control with the folders available in the administrator. So users do not have the opportunity to change what they have on the desktop. Unless they have access to the admin and change the control of admin folders.

In our country, not many companies or government agencies using Linux. This is because not many experts in the application and maintenance of Linux servers. They prefer to use a paid service. because they need help and support immediately when they experience problems or server applications. An effort should be made to introduce Linux to a new generation, especially in schools and institutions of higher learning. With the use of Linux operating system, the government could indirectly save an annual expenditure.

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